That, and questions about how individual banks have or have not used funds to expand lending and help repair the crumbled credit market dominated the House Financial Services Committee hearing. 以上问题,以及相关银行如何使用、或者为什么没有使用救市资金扩大信贷、帮助修补问题重重的信贷市场,这些都是众议院金融服务委员会成员在听证会上提出的主要问题。
Affected by the market, most house owners choose to lease their house instead of to sell it. 据了解,受市场的影响,业主转售为租的现象普遍增多。
A higher degree of marketization of the property market and house prices determined by market supply and demand. 的市场化程度较高的房地产市场和房价取决于市场的供应和需求。
When house prices fall significantly, the new buyers in big cities will enter the market and stabilize house prices, and the country's urbanization strategy will ensure that in these cities demographics support intrinsic demand. 不大可能。当房价大幅下跌,大城市里会有新购房者进入市场,从而稳住房价。中国的城镇化战略将使得这些城市的人口状况能够支撑对住房的内在需求。
Consumer prices resumed their upward path last month as rising petrol costs put further pressure on US shoppers struggling with a weakening labour market and slumping house prices. 美国的消费者价格指数(CPI)上个月恢复上升势头。在劳动力市场疲软及房地产价格下跌的情况下,进一步上升的石油成本给美国消费者带来了更大压力。
Fourth, the trade market of the mortgage is unripe, and the mortgage secondary market of the house is not active; 四是抵押物交易市场不成熟,住房抵押二级市场不活跃;
There is even a single seller of small, sad-looking artificial trees at the downscale local market near our house. 在离我们家不远的一个小市场里甚至有人专门销售那种小小的、看起来模样颇不周正的塑料圣诞树。
Since the economy in all these countries is heavily dependent on the property market, a house price recession is obviously bad news. 既然所有这些国家的经济严重依赖于房地产市场,那么,房价衰退显然是个坏消息。
There is a new market near my house. 有一个新的市场近我的房子。
Matt and Lisa are buying vegetables at a vegetable market near their house. 麦特和莉莎在他们家附近的蔬菜市场里买菜。
For the most part, Japanese developers have been relatively shy about venturing outside their home market but Daiwa House and Mitsui Fudosan are among a growing number that are making a push into China. 对于进军本国以外的市场,日本开发商大多相当谨慎,但越来越多的日本开发商正在打入中国市场,大和房建和三井不动产就是其中两家。
The market for house is saturated. 房屋市场已经饱和。
The economy grew, the stock market surged, house prices rose and Wall Street kept getting richer. 经济增长,股市飙升,房价上涨,华尔街越来越富。
His square-framed perpendicularity showed more fully now than in the crowd and bustle of the market house. 现在,他那宽厚而结实的身材比在那熙攘、喧闹的交易棚中显得更加挺直。
Secondly, this dissertation analyzes the reasons for default from the angles of debtors characteristics, debt traits, residential house market and house constructors; 结合我国的国情,从借款人特征、贷款特征、房地产市场发展以及开发商风险等四个角度来详细分析信用风险产生的原因;
To Discuss Double Compensation in the Market House Business 论商品房交易中的双倍赔偿
In the process of house property transaction are lots of historical quarrels about private or national houses, so it is especially important how to protect the proper rights and interests according to the laws in the market of house property transaction. 在房产交易的过程中,存在诸多私房、公房等历史问题,因而在复杂的房产交易市场中如何利用法律手段来保护自己应得的权益,便显得尤为重要;
Intelligent Decision Analysis System ( IDAS) for Real Estate Investment involves a great deal of factors, such as market of house property, urban construction, construction material, etc. 房地产投资智能决策分析系统(IDAS)是一个涉及房产市场、市政建设和建筑材料等诸多因素的决策分析系统,需要大量的模型系统的支持。
The real estate market of the house is pluralistic and every kind of house has its market characteristic and factor of the policy. 住宅房地产市场具有多元性,每一种类型的住宅都有其市场特性和政策因素。
The traditional financial channels to control the unprecedented situation of the degree of intensity of regulation, making the property market, house prices fell, the developers of capital returns is also facing difficulties. 这种的对传统金融渠道的调控力度,使得楼市房价下降,开发商资金回笼也面临困境。
Also because they are just graduated and have no savings, and a low base of existing housing fund and housing subsidies, coupled with the rapid market growth in house prices, these young staffs are unable to meet their own housing needs through the commercial house market. 由于刚参加工作缺乏经济积累,现有的住房公积金和住房补贴基数较低,加之市场房价增长过快,这些青年教职工一时之间还无力通过商品房市场解决自己的居住需求。
But with the demand of excessive speculation and investment has entered into the real estate market, the house price has been rising very quickly. 但是由于过多的投资和投机需求进入市场,造成房价快速上涨。
Tax policy together with the land and financial policies will play an important role in controlling the housing market rising house prices rationally, and leading the national wealth distribution. 税收政策在与土地、金融等政策组合实施之后,对于抑制短期过度炒房行为、调控住房市场中不合理上涨的房价以及引导国民财富分配将发挥重要作用。
The market of house is divided into two sub-systems: the guarantee house market and the commercial house market. They have connection to each other and operate independently. 住宅市场由相互联系和影响、但又各自独立运行的保障性住宅市场和商品性住宅市场两个子系统组成。
In the land market, house prices 'prospect, air quality, marketization-degree of land system and land resource quantity are the important determinants to explain the inter-metropolitan variation in land prices. 在土地市场上,住宅价格预期、空气质量、土地市场化程度和土地可得性是导致土地价格城市间差异的重要外生决定因素。
During the process of pre-selling of market house in China, there is some time a difference between the signing and the effectiveness of the market house sales contract and the register of real estate property. 在我国商品房预售过程中,商品房买卖合同的成立生效和不动产产权的登记之间常常有一定的时间差。
As an important part of the real estate market, second-hand house trading market has played a decisive role position in aspects of driving the national economy and promoting housing consumption diversification and ensuring residents 'housing demand and so on. 二手房买卖市场作为房地产市场的重要组成部分,在带动国民经济、促进住房梯级消费多样化以及保障居民住房需求等方面具有举足轻重的地位。
However, with the overheat development of the real estate market, house prices have started to sustainable growth and it has brought serious threats to the development and stable of social economy. 然而,随着房地产市场的过热发展,房价开始持续高速增长,给社会经济的发展和稳定带来严重威胁。
The market of house lease is playing more actively, then it arises many new problems in its development. 房屋租赁市场日益活跃,在其发展过程中不断产生新的问题。